I would do it for you (Yo lo haria por ti)

Feature von Lauraromerovall

Dauer: 0:27 Minuten

Audio-Nr: #4314

Inhalt: This is our contribution for Neuer KurzDoku Wettbewerb . “I would do it for you” is one of several individual pieces from the “Audio memes series” created to be broadcasted in radio stations in the fake format of regular “adds” but instead of the traditional intention of selling a product, with the only goal of provoking thought and surprise in an humoristic way! // Original Language: Spanish // Authors: Domingo Chinchilla, David Alarcón, Laura Romero

Skript: English Transcript: // Hey, one minute, // excuse me, please... // Listen, listen, listen to me // please, look, I... I beg you, really! // I... I implore you, // I am on my knees. Really. Please! // Please! Please! // I would do it for you! // Do not vote for them anymore, please, do not vote for them anymore!
Upload Datum: 07.04.2019

I would do it for you (Yo lo haria por ti) als MP3 Download

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Dokublog Autor Lauraromerovall

Zum Autor: Laura Romero is a radio maker and researcher from Spain. She works in sound design and writes for podcasts and radio stations. She also delivers workshops in audio storytelling at several universities.

Website: http://www.laura-romero.com

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FeatureI would do it for you (Yo lo haria por ti)07.04.2019